The main results and achievements will be twofold. Firstly, existing training material package will be extended to include two new topics (“Response to an oil spill at sea in coastal waters with local fishermen assistance: using small vessels of opportunity” and “Oil spill waste management”) and this new material as well as the existing material (posters and slideshows) from POSOW I will be translated in POSOW II languages, namely Arabic and Turkish.
Secondly, the oil spill preparedness of the national civil protection of Southern Mediterranean European Neighbourhood Policy Countries and Enlargement Countries will be improved through the phased training of national experts from these countries, beginning with the train the trainer courses and continuing with the national pilot training courses. Furthermore, the potential of mutual cooperation among EU and non-EU Mediterranean countries will be strengthened by a common oil spill preparedness knowledge, and should facilitate the support of the European Civil Protection Mechanism in case of request for assistance from one or more of POSOW II target countries.